> My family_

> My cat (Rambo)

In 2015, my cat, Rambo, was found to be blind. The way he got around before he died is to go down paths he remembers through the basement (above). In the picture, he has climbed onto one of the wood planks in the basement. How he did it is unknown, however we have had to put up blockages to block him from escaping the basement (shown above). He is currently DEAD. I miss him :[

> My dog (Sydney)

Sydney was rescued as a puppy when she was 8 weeks old. She is currently 12 years old. She loves her stick, being outside, and swimming.

> Me (Lance Coons)

My name is Lance. I am the one developer working on this website. I sometimes fix computers that come here. I am currently interested in programming/compiling code. That’s why this website exists. Just as something fun to do. (Don’t worry, I’ll make sure the website is up to date [probably])

> Becca & Jeff Coons

Becca: “I am Lance’s mom and I’m amazed with his newfound web development skills. I plan on visiting this site frequently to check back on his updates. Keep up the good work!”

Jeff: “I am Lance’s dad and I am very impressed with how quickly Lance has created this new site. I look forward to seeing his progress as he learns more about web development!”

> Spark-a-Dillio (Spark, Nana's cat)

Nana adopted Spark when he was a tiny kitten from Guy’s Farm & Yard. He is an indoor cat and is very soft. He LOVES boxes and . . . exploring the basement *sigh* (where he’s not supposed to be). We have recently put up a blockage.

> Chica (Nana's cat)

Chica is a cute black fluffball that landed in our house recently. We love her.